
Image And Video Marketing Strategy 

 February 1, 2021

By  Delano1216

If you think about your video marketing strategy and instantly feel overwhelmed, it’s understandable. Videos can be a more complex form of advertising. But the good news is that videos can be created quickly and easily once you know what to do.

Image and video marketing has never been more important. Video marketing is known to increase revenue by 49%. Imagine if you started getting 50% more sales in your business. What would you do with that increase? Would you expand your business even more? Outsource so you could focus on the tasks you find most enjoyable? Take time off to travel?

Developing Your Image and Video Marketing Strategy

Focusing on image and video marketing strategy in your business shouldn’t be done lightly. Like all business endeavors, it helps to have a plan. When you have a solid plan in place, you’ll feel more confident and find it easier to create videos. Here are a few questions that can help you create your own strategy…

Who Is Your Audience?

If you’ve been in business for a while, then you may already know who your ideal buyer is. But if your brand is new and you’re just starting out, you may have to do some research fitst. You need to get clarity on your ideal customer before you plan your image and video marketing strategy. Otherwise, you risk wasting both time and money trying to appeal to the wrong audience.

Keep in mind that it’s easy to think the user of your product is also the buyer. But this isn’t always true. If you sell baby clothes, you won’t market to infants. You’ll market to their parents instead. If you sell premium software to other businesses, you won’t market to the end user. You’ll market it to the six-figure executive who makes the final purchasing decision.

Align Your Videos with Your Brand

When it comes to video marketing, you have to consider your brand. Your videos will represent your business to your viewers and you want to make sure the tone and style match your brand.

Funny, playful videos are appropriate if you’re selling children’s toys. It would look silly if a company like Playskool released serious, somber videos. They would be going against their own brand and confusing their customers.

But it’s not just your tone that matters. It’s also important that your colors, lighting, and content fit with your brand. If you sell products designed for women’s health issues, then you’d probably use pink or purple in your branding and videos. If your products are designed for men’s health, you might use blue or red. You’d also use elements that communicate masculinity like chrome or steel.

Keep Up With The Competition

It’s easy to create in a bubble without realizing it. But studying what your competitors are doing can expose you to more ideas and give you insight into what your audience actually wants. For example, if your competitors are creating videos that are longer than five minutes, it might be a sign that consumers in your niche want in-depth content.

While looking at competitor’s videos can be a source of inspiration, don’t try to copy them. Your customers love your brand because it’s unique. You bring something valuable to the table that your competitors don’t. If anything, you should use this to your advantage and announce your unique selling point proudly.

Does This Video Fit into Your Larger Funnel?

Before you create a video, you should always consider how it fits into your sales funnel. A video that’s targeted to convince visitors to join your sales funnel is going to be different than a video you design for your premium customers.

The first video would be focused on raising brand awareness. The second video doesn’t need to build brand awareness. These people are already customers and have different content needs.

What Is Your Video Marketing Goal?

This is an important question to ask when you’re creating a video. Consider what you want your visitors to do after watching your video. Do you want them to subscribe to your mailing list? Buy your brand-new info product? Hire you to design a website?

Remember that your goal needs to be clear. You don’t want to create a video with several different purposes like raising brand awareness, selling your product, and growing your social media platform. With all of those goals in the same video, you’re likely to overwhelm your viewers. Instead, pick one goal per video and focus on that.

Asking smart questions before you get started with video marketing can save you hours of time and a lot of frustration. By planning your strategy in advance, your video marketing is more likely to succeed.

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