
Ways To Get More Website Traffic 

 March 20, 2021

By  Delano1216

Content And Website Traffic

To get more website traffic, you have to use every type and piece of content that you have in a way that will get you attention and visitors. The main content that comes to mind are blog posts and videos.

To get even more traffic, think about how you can use other types and forms of content that you can create for your business.

Here are a few ways to use the content you creating to get even more search engine traffic.


As mentioned above, videos are an obvious type of content that you can use to get more visitors. Just like text content, you have to target keywords in your title and description.

If you upload your video to Youtube, you have the opportunity to make your video listing more search engine friendly. Take advantage of the training that they provide. There is also a ton of information you can find when you do a search. There is a lot of free resources that you can tap into, or you could decide to invest in a paid course.

The point is that if you are going to use video as a way to get website traffic, learn how to create the listing in a way that gives you a good chance at getting traffic from both the search engines and Youtube itself.

Make sure that your video shows the website pages that you want viewers to visit, and include a link as well.

If your video starts to get a lot of traffic, it is likely that other marketers will embed the video on their site, getting you even more website traffic.

Long Content

A few years ago, the trend was to create a ton of 200-400 word articles, add your keywords several times, and post them on your blogs and article directories. That no longer works.

According to individuals who study and report on search engine rankings, today you have to have content that is longer. According to Rank Math, you should aim for between 600-2500 words.

That doesn't mean that you have to write 2500 words for every article and post you create. To find out what works for your situation, write a series of articles in a variety of lengths. Track your results and use what works.


This a great type of content that will not only increase website traffic, but greatly increase the leads that sign up for your email list too. Whether you choose to offer free or paid webinars, they are an excellent way to improve your credibility and authority.

You can use software like Adobe Connect or GoToMeeting to host a webinar where you can share your screen, invite other speakers and more. Invite joint venture partners to host with you to increase the value to your audience as well as attract new audience members thus getting more traffic.


Creating persuasive, authoritative, and comprehensive report that you use to market a solution to the problem the paper brings up is an effective type of content to create to get more traffic to your website. Offering a free download of the white paper is an excellent way to get more leads too.

It’s important not to make the whitepaper seem like a long sales letter. The focus is on talking about the problem, showing the stats about a problem, and then offering different solutions to the problem including your own in a non-threatening way without over selling. You don’t want to turn anyone of when they read it.


EBooks have been around a long time now, but now there are more ways to use them than ever before. An eBook can be any length, depending on what they are used for.

As an example, if you want to create a PDF report and sell it for $97, you have to include more information and pages to make it worth the price you're asking. If you are selling a report for $17-$27, it makes sense to make it a shorter report. 

Offering a free Ebook as an incentive to get new subscribers doesn't have to have a lot of content. You just have to deliver on what you promised your new subscriber.

The was this works for website traffic is simple...

In your report, add links to the pages of your site that you want to get them to visit. Another way to get even more traffic is to allow your subscribers to give it away to their subscribers for free, as long as they don't make any changes to the document.

They get an incentive that they can use to build their list, and you get your links out there resulting in more website traffic. You both win.


If you've been to a few social media sites, you've come across infographics. Pinterest has a ton of them. They are a great way to get interest and clicks to your site.

There are many sites and software products that you can use to create infographics for your site. Canva.com is a site that has been mentioned as one of the best at creating all kinds of graphics. 


Using images with quotes on social media is popular. You can use them on your site as part of your content, and then share them from your website on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest linking back to your website.

Memes do have a chance of going viral. Ensure it is targeted to your audience. It should also include a watermark so people know where the meme came from. You can use Canva.com to make excellent memes. Just find a fact or quote, a relevant image, and you’re ready to go.

Product Reviews

Writing in-depth book and product reviews is a great way to fill your website with useful content. Reviews are excellent ways to get free website traffic.  Be sure to make use of the product name and related keywords. 

Rants & Opinion Posts

This type of content consists of you telling your opinion about something within your area of expertise. It might be controversial in nature. It’s imperative if you’re going to do a post like this that you research your topic carefully so that you don’t overlook something that could have changed your mind.

Writing a strongly worded first person opinion or rant post can cause your website to “go viral” but it can be in a good way or a bad way. It just depends. Be sure to know your facts and be willing to stand by what you said or change your mind when people comment with additional facts. Also, do not bash people, or say anything libelous.

Resources Page

A great way to improve your SEO and traffic is to create a page that includes the resources that you use to conduct your business or resources that your audience can use to do their business or solve their problems. These links will provide backlinks to the resources that you like, plus search engines will see that you link out to authorities’ content and rank you higher. Some of these links can be affiliate links but some should just link directly.

Use good keyword rich anchor text for the links; describe what people will see when they go to the link. Adding your own words to describe each resource, why it’s important, why you like it, and why they should check it out.

Case Studies And Interviews

These are great ways to get longer content to use alone and within other types of content. A case study shows how someone achieved something that they set out to accomplish using either your own methods or methods that you recommend to them. Often case studies are also accomplished via interviews.

Interviews can be done via podcast, Skype, or other methods that can be recorded like a Google Hangout. They can be transcribed and used in a case study or just as an interview. Be sure to add your own thoughts to the case study or interview to fill out the content and make it more complete.

I'm sure that there are other ideas you can come up with. For every piece of content that you create, focus on how you can use that content to get the most free website traffic from it. It can really add up to more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.

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