
A Free Education On How To Write Email Messages 

 November 24, 2020

By  Delano1216

You already know that to keep subscribers happy to hear from you it's important  to write email messages that they want to read. When you're getting started with your new email list, it can take some trial and error to figure out what to do. 

There are a wide variety of courses and training products that you can buy that promise to teach you how to succeed in email marketing.

This is a good option, and I have purchased a few of them myself. So I know that there is a lot of good training available.

I also can tell you that you end up with a lot of opinions on how to write the perfect email messages. This can be confusing.

But I understand the problem. There are several ways to go about writing email messages, and a lot of different approaches.

The one thing that is the same across all of these training products is that it doesn't matter how much training and education you get about writing effective email, because the only way to get the results is to practice doing it yourself.

The free education that I am talking about is a way to take what you learn in any of the training you went through and finding examples that you can study.

It may seem obvious, but your inbox is an excellent resource on how to write effective email messages.

If you have been online for a while, you know that just about every site you visit has a way to subscribe to a list. So if you need more examples, start subscribing.

The way I do this is to set up 2 folders in my email account.

One folder is for the email messages that you really like. The emails that you wish you had written. Once you get several in the collection, a good exercise is to use them as a template for your messages.

At first, try copying the message in a text editor. You're doing this for practice, not so that you can send them to your subscribers.

After that, write your own content instead. It is important that you write in your own voice and personality. It doesn't matter how it turns out. Don't try to be perfect. You can always delete what you wrote and start over. 

This exercise is not exciting, but the only way to get good is to practice. Because once you get some subscribers, you are going to want to send them some really good content.

The other folder is for the email messages that are awful. Ones that you usually delete immediately. For these, there is no point in using them as a template to practice on.

They are there to remind you of what NOT to do in your marketing messages. Every so often, open the folder and go through a few of them. This is just to remind you to keep working so that you never become "That Marketer".

In my case, writing is not easy, and I have had to learn. I'm still learning, and what I have shared here is what I have done and am doing right now. I hope that this information helps you too...


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