
10 Information Product Promotion Tips 

 March 12, 2021

By  Delano1216

Traffic For Your Information Product

Creating your own information product is a big deal, and since you created it, you know how good it is. There is no reason for anybody to NOT buy it. After all, it is really good!

Okay, I'm getting a little carried away, but just for effect. The point is that of course you are proud of your new information product, and it makes sense that your customers will love it.

The only thing missing is getting prospective customers to know about your new product in the first place. That's what follows in this article. 10 tips you can use to get traffic to your offer.

Let’s get started...

1. Niche Forums

Just about every niche has a forum or a social media site where people ask and answer questions and give advice. You can find them easily by using your favorite search engine. 

Make a list or bookmark several of these sites, and get started visiting them. What you are looking for are active sites that have posts submitted several times a day. Read through a few of the entries and see if it relates closely with your niche.

No daily activity means you should move on to the next one. 

Once you find a few related sites that you feel comfortable with, register with the site. Look for opportunities to participate with answers or info that will help fellow members.

After you add a few replies, check the forum rules to see if you are allowed to include a link back to your site when you post a comment. This is a good way to get traffic by offering a free download when they click on your link. More traffic for you.

2. Social Media

Similar to forums, social media sites offer opportunities to find and join groups in your niche. Again, follow the rules on what is allowed as far as linking to your site.

On your own social media accounts, you have more opportunity to promote your site. Just make sure that you are contributing value as well, because if you come across as pushy, you will lose visitors to your account.

3. Your Subscriber List

Your subscribers are a ready source of traffic for your new offer. As you get close to the launch of your product, let your subscribers know. Build up interest in your product ahead of time, and then when you launch, they will be interested in seeing what you've been talking about.

You can include links to articles that you have on your site that explain what the information product is about and what it offers. And you can let them know that as your subscribers, they get early access and a subscriber only discount. 

The subscribers who take advantage of the early access and discount are a great source of feedback. You can ask them what they thought of the product, and what you need to do to improve it.

This lets you do a soft launch and fix or add things to make your product better.

4. Your Site

Make sure that every page on your site has an area that points your visitors to your new information product. In the sidebar of your blog posts, put an ad or promotion piece with a link to the sales page.

On your home page, highlight your new product with an exciting headline, cool graphics, and a call to action to click on a link or button to get more info.

5. YouTube

Video can be a powerful promotion tool, and YouTube is the top site to get views and traffic. If you're someone who is hesitant to do a video, or you don't have the skills, you can hire someone to do it for you. 

Either way, you can get a lot of exposure for your new information product. And the best part is that is free to post your video. 

6. Internet Stars

This may not be the right term, but I think you get the idea. These are people who have a site or channel that has a lot of subscribers and visitors. With the traffic they are getting, they can get paid to run ads.

They also recommend products. You will have to pay for this, but if you can get someone with influence who is willing to do it for you, it can unleash a ton of traffic and sales for you.

7. Recruit Affiliates

If you want to massively increase your marketing reach, consider recruiting affilates. You give up part of your sales price, but the advantage is that you only pay when you make a sale.

Good affiliates can drive a lot of traffic and sales, so don't hesitate to make it worth their while. With information products, commission rates of 50 percent are the norm.

You don't have to set up software or pay affiliates if you don't want to. There are sites that handle the affiliate links and payouts for you. You have to pay a commission, but you save yourself a lot of headaches. Three of these sites are jvzoo.com, warriorplus.com, and clickbank.com.

8. Speaking

In the course of running your business, if you give speeches or addresses to groups of people, then you have a good way to promote your new offer. 

Online, you can do presentations via webinars. You can either be a guest and present your offer, or you can run your own webinar. 

This is a little more involved, but if you can get a lot of participation, you can get good results.

9. Podcasts

Podcast are another good way to get your offer some attention. If you've never done a podcast, it can take some time and effort to get enough listeners to make it worth your time. If that's the case...

Be a guest on an established podcast. If this is your first information product launch, you will have to contact podcasts in your niche and tell them about your business and your product. 

It can take a lot of contacts before you get someone to offer you a slot, but just remember that once you are on one podcast, you have credibility you can use to get on the next one.

You can also use podcasts to promote your offer without being a guest by being a paid sponsor.

10. Paid Traffic

Paid ads in the form of Google And Bing PPC ads. And then there are social media sites that offer ads. And don't forget that there are forums and blogs that offer paid ads as well.

There is no shortage of site ready to take your money in exchange for running your ads. A word of caution...

Before you jump in to any ad platform, do a search  to find sites and videos that give you tips on how to use the sites. There are rules and best practices for each site. 
And start with a small ad budget. You will never know if an ad is going to work until you run it for a while. Don't risk money that you can't afford to lose. You may have to tweak your ads or write new ones to get a winner. It's easy to spend a lot of money in a short period of time and end up with no results. Start Slow!

Google and Microsoft both offer PPC ads. You can also advertise on social media sites. There are some blogs that offer ad spots on their site, and also forums that offer advertising.

This is the end of the tips. Hope they have been useful...

Good luck on your next promotion!

Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! How is that even possible? Let Me Show You…


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