
Creating An Effective Info Product Funnel 

 July 5, 2021

By  Delano1216

The Info Product Funnel

An effective funnel won’t do much good if no one completes the first step. And that comes down to an awesome front end digital product to get everything started.

For our purposes, this is about the product that starts the marketing funnel. It’s the product and sales page that attracts traffic, interest, and sales. Get this right, and you’re off to the races.

Note: This is the first in a series of articles that lay out the elements of an effective funnel. Here we focus on...

The Basics Of A Front End Offer

The front end offer is vital to get visitors intrigued by what you’re offering. It’s going to get your prospects into the buying loop and get the ball rolling in your info product funnel.

Creating Info Products

Without an irresistible digital product that leads to the next step in the funnel, people are not going to see it. Even if the follow up offers are excellent, you won’t get any sales.

Hence, getting your prospects to see your first product through the funnel is very crucial. It is basically presenting the first impression of your sales funnel to the people that click the “buy button” on your sales page.

Always remember this, while a bad front-end could ruin the whole funnel, a great front-end could attract your subscribers to buy throughout your sales funnel.

Pricing Your Front-End Offer

A front-end product is usually sold at a lower price, and is the lowest priced offer in your funnel. The reason being is, its main purpose is to attract the subscribers to click on the “Buy” button.

Because of this, you want to make the front end offer affordable for everyone, but you don’t want to devalue it by almost giving it away.

There is no hard and fast rule here. Look for similar products to see what they charge and use that as a guide. What I’ve seen is typically it’s between $12 and $37 dollars. As I’ve said before, it’s a learning process and you can always tweak your price accordingly.

Chest of money

I know some of you may be thinking, if your front-end product is priced so low, how is it possible for you to generate huge revenue even with thousands of sales? Where does the actual profit come from?

The real money comes from your upsells and backend. This is why you need a strong info product funnel with a strong front-end product. Once they make a purchase, you can present them with offers that will enhance the product that they have just purchased.

Hence, the front-end acts as a magnet to bring them into the buying loop, and direct them towards your upsells and backends. This is where you make huge profits.

Creating Your Front End Offer

Your front end info product has to be worth what you’re asking for it. It has to stand on its own, and fulfill all of the promises of the sales letter.

As you’re coming up with ideas, keep in mind that you will also want to create other related products that you can offer as upsells. If you can’t come up with additional product ideas, move on to another topic.

These are the steps that may guide you through the process of creating your front-end offer:

  1. Understand what kind of market you are going to cover, and then research on the customers in the niche.
  2. Select an evergreen topic.
  3. The topic can solve an urgent or immediate problem.

Let me elaborate on the first step.

Step 1 - you need to understand what kind of market you are going to cover, and research on the customers in that particular niche.

Tools Of The Info Product Trade

The research is crucial, as different niches you’ll meet different customers with different demands and mindsets. If you could first put yourself in your ideal customers’ shoes, attracting traffic to your site and generating big sales isn’t impossible for you.

For instance, you can target a large market such as the Internet marketing niche or the personal development niche. These markets are a huge potential for you to generate sales from.

When you know your target market, it is easier for you to customize a front-end offer for them. When done right, your front-end offer will attract a huge crowd and there will be a higher chance for your upsells and backends to sell.

Step 2 is to select an evergreen topic.

For instance, in the Internet marketing niche, lead generation methods would be an evergreen topic. Regardless of what kind of Internet businesses that your target audience are in, they will definitely need to get visitors and subscribers to their offer.

This is a topic that will not grow old, especially for email marketing. A product vendor will need it, and so does an affiliate, as long as it involves email marketing, they will need your product to grow their list.

Step 3 to creating your front-end offer is selecting a topic that can solve an urgent or immediate problem. People will want to buy your product if it can solve an existing problem they might have.

Dog Tired

If your offer is able to solve their problems immediately, your prospects will not be hesitant to purchase your product. And when you are offering solutions to their problems, you are actually using emotional enhancers in your products.

These emotional enhancers include health, wealth, power, dating, happiness and self-improvement, security, and recognition.

Of course, there are many more that you can add to the list. But these are the most effective emotional enhancers you may apply to your offer and make use of.

Look at Clickbank, Amazon, Udemy, Facebook groups, and forums to narrow it down even more. Find what products are selling and read reviews to see if there are other areas that customers want information about that they are willing to pay for.

Types Of Info Products

Your front end product can be in many forms – text, video, audio and more. Again, see what’s selling and what format the customers seem to like.

What matters is that you get your information across in a way that will satisfy your customers. So if you aren’t much of a video person, either stick to audio or text, or pay someone to do the video for you.

But what’s most important as I’ve mentioned in the previous section is to know who your target market is. The more you understand about your target market, the more familiar you are with their preference.

For instance, usually in the Internet marketing niche, your prospects may be online business owners and are always on the go. Therefore, it would be more suitable for you to create video tutorials instead of long-winded E-books which they may not have the time to read.

However, there is no hard and fast rule in selecting which format to realize your product. You can always do a split test on what works and improve your front-end product from time to time.

When you choose to write an E-book, this comes with a lot of advantages. Not only is it convenient, but it saves you a lot of cost and time as well! You can use the remaining resources for marketing purposes which is more important to help cultivate your sales.

Other than an E-book format, you can also offer video training courses with the compilation of transcripts. This is also one of the most common format in the marketplace nowadays.

For instance, if you are planning to offer a product on “How To Start Property Investment In 10 Days,” you can break up the video tutorials into 10 parts. It would be more feasible and easier for you to breakdown the components.

If you don’t want to add video, but want to add value, consider recording you or someone else reading aloud the text of your report and offering it as an mp3. An easy way to add value.

Including Bonuses

Just about every sales page includes bonuses that come with the main product. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I came across a sales letter without at least one bonus.

That means that to make sure that you are piling on the value, make sure to add a bonus or 2 or 3 to make your offer so valuable and enticing that your visitor will be more than happy to make the purchase.

A customer who feels good about what they got for their money is more likely to be receptive and ready to buy your upsell offers. And even if they don’t, you have a happy customer on your list who may buy more from you in the future.

A sales funnel is a powerful way to increase sales and income. There are a lot of steps involved, and the front end product, the introduction to your funnel, is the key to the success of failure of everything that follows.

So take the time to get this right, and you WILL be rewarded…

How To Create... (In Just 12 Hours) The Kind Of Information Products You Can Make A Full-Time Living From! Work-At-Home Writer Shares His Proven Strategies For Creating Fast Info Products That Sell Consistently And Have Brought Him A Full-Time Income For Over Ten Years! Learn More Here...


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