
Missing What Is In Front Of You 

 July 31, 2021

By  Delano1216

My parents live just inside the village limits in the small town I grew up in. They have just under 4 acres, and there is a swamp across the road, so it is common to see deer, squirrels, rabbits, and turkeys.

A few years ago they had 2 dogs and a large fenced in area where they could run and explore.

It wasn't unusual for deer to hop the fence and wander around inside the fenced in area. Once in a while, the dogs would spot the deer and want to go out. As soon as they were in the yard they started barking and running toward the deer, and the deer would jump the fence and slowly walk away.

Other times, we would let the dogs out, and they would spot the deer outside the fence. They would run toward the fence and start barking at the deer. The deer would look up at them, and then continue to eat or slowly walk away.

One night, I was house sitting, and I let the dogs out for their last outing of day.

After they were in the yard, I looked up and saw 2 deer standing at the top of the hill inside the fence. I ran toward the dogs, and started pointing towards the deer, saying "Look" several times as I moved toward the deer.

This got the dogs excited, and they started running and barking, wagging their tails.

I kept gesturing toward the deer, and what did they do?

They went the opposite direction. I would call them to me, point at the deer, and they would start barking and running - in the opposite direction.

For some reason, they couldn't see what was right in front of them. I gave up, let them get settled down and let them do their business, and let them in.

And the deer?

They stood there the whole time watching the show.

Reminds me of the time I asked my 5 year old niece "How much does it cost to pay attention?". To which she replied "A million dollars!".

Until the next time...

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