
How To Profit With PLR 

 November 24, 2020

By  Delano1216

Profit By Using PLR

Once you start making money, you soon realize that to make the most profit, you need to sell your own products. 

It's a great idea, but it comes with a big problem. You have to either create products or pay someone else to do it for you. If you have the funds to pay someone, that works.

If you have to do it yourself, you have to learn how to do it, do the research and put it all together. That can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you have never done it before.

There is a better way. A way where you can buy products that are already created. Products that come with rights to buy them and then sell them as your own.

Enter PLR. Private Label Rights.

Products with private label rights let you sell them as is or edit them in any way you want. You can put your name on them as the creator/author. You can sell them and keep all of the profits.

Using PLR can be an awesome way to get a catalog of products to sell. Before you do a search for PLR and start loading up your hard drive, there some things you ought to know...

Not All PLR Is Good

Some of the PLR that you come across is awful!

Hard to read and understand, with goofy graphics or videos that are boring. This type of PLR is usually very cheap, and there is a reason for that. It stinks.

This is the type of PLR that you get as a bonus for signing up for an email list or as a bonus for a product that you bought. It sounds good to get something that you can resell, but if it's bad, there is no way your customers will be happy if they buy it.

If you want to sell the PLR as is, make sure to read the ebook and watch any videos first. If it looks good, and you're comfortable with it, great.

A low cost is not a reason to pass on PLR. Just make sure that you go through the content before you decide to use it as a bonus or to sell it on your site.

Where To Find Quality PLR

One thing that you can do is the old standby of doing a search and see what comes up. You will be presented with sites that sell PLR, sites that list the best places to buy PLR, and reviews of PLR membership sites.

Once you come up with a list of sites that you think might be worth a shot, make a purchase and see what you end up with. I would make sure not to spend a lot on the first purchase. If what you get is worth it, you have found yourself a real gem.

How Many People Are Selling It?

I have seen some offers for PLR that are selling unlimited copies. Before you buy it, do a search on the title and see how many sites come up. Decide if there's too much competition. 

Even if there is no limit on the copies sold, most people who buy PLR never use it, so you may be it may not matter. The point is that if there are a lot of copies out there, you run the risk that it will be hard to sell, or you may have to lower your price so low that it won't make sense trying to sell it.

My Favorite Option

I look for PLR that has a limit on how many people can buy the PLR rights to the product. One marketer that I have a ton of respect for does it this way.

He creates a high quality product, usually a report, and offers it for sale. He has a reputation for putting out really good stuff. When you get to the bottom of the sales page, there is an order button for the product.

Beside the product order form is an offer to purchase the product with PLR rights. This comes at a much higher price, but the advantage is that he has a limit on how many copies he is selling with PLR. The limits I have seen (he has done this a few times) is 50 or 100 copies.

You also get the sales page copy and the graphics, along with the document in Word and text format so you can edit it. This leads me to...

My Favorite Option

The best PLR, the type that can really help you learn how to market and sell online, is PLR that comes with everything:

  • The Ebook
  • A Free Giveaway Report
  • Graphics
  • Sales Page
  • Editable Word Document
  • Email Follow-up Series
  • Blog Articles

Everything in one package, so you can edit it with ease, you can alter or change the graphics, you can edit the sales page, and offer the free report in exchange for and email address, so you can grow your list.

Another Tip

Another way to use PLR, even the poorly written stuff, is to use it as a framework that you can edit into something really good. You can take a report on getting new subscribers, delete the content of the chapters, and start from there.

You still have the chapter headings, and you can change those. IYou can add and change the subheads as well. This gives you an outline that you can fill in. It saves you time, gives your report structure, and now you can put in content that you can sell with pride because you know that you have shared some really good info that is going to help your customers.

PLR can be a great addition to your business. The only way to know is to get your hand on a PLR license and see what you get. Use it as a free gift for new subscribers, as a bonus for an affiliate promotion, or as part a content package that you are selling.

I hope this has helped. To your success…

Learn how to get the best quality PLR and how you can use it to build your business and make more profits. Get the guide that shows you how by clicking the link below.

Discover The Truth About PLR Here...


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