
My Favorite Source Of Free Traffic 

 November 7, 2020

By  Delano1216

What do you think of when it comes to free traffic? The first one that I think of is search engine traffic. It would be great to put up a post or sales page and get tons of free traffic. Social media also comes to mind. 

The problem with any kind of free traffic is that it can take a long time to get the traffic started, and there is a lot of competition for that traffic. 

It's safe to say that free traffic takes time and effort to start seeing results.

In spite of the time it takes, it is a good idea to use as many sources of traffic as you can get. Make sure to add content to your site, and target keywords that are related to your site. Keep building links and articles and videos and more.

Free traffic is important, but it can be hard to predict. Unless you have a traffic source like...

My Favorite Traffic Source

If I am going to spend time on free traffic, my favorite kind is my email list. Building up a list of subscribers is one of the best and most consistent forms of free traffic.

Think about it this way. You can get your social accounts shut down without warning. And the free traffic from the search engines can disappear every time there is a new update. 

With an email list, that doesn't happen. You can get your message to your list any time you need to. 

If list building is so awesome, and everyone that has a successful business online will tell you that an email list is the key to their success, why is it that it seems so hard for new online marketers to figure out?

Hard to say. It could be fear of the unknown. Not knowing how to set up an email list with an email service company. Being afraid that you won't know what to write, and that no one will read what you send and will leave your list. 

Not knowing how to set up an opt-in form, or how to come up with a freebie that will get you new subscribers. And not knowing how to deliver the freebie to the subscriber. 

A great resource is youtube. Most of the Email Service Providers have videos that you will show you how to use their service. From creating an account to writing and scheduling a broadcast, there's a ton of information there.

And any search engine is your friend. You can find reviews of email service providers and articles and videos covering just about anything you can think of. Free help is out there for you.

These are all things that have to be figured out, but you need to start somewhere. One of the best ways is to just get started. Right now, Aweber has a free plan where you can have up to 500 subscribers and send up to 3000 emails a month. 

Companies such as Getresponse.com offer a 30 day free trial, and then you have to start paying. With Aweber, you can use it for free, no credit card required. You only have to select a plan AFTER you get over 500 subscribers. Don't be fooled by so-called free offers that don't deliver.

Not bad when you don't have a list at all. Once you exceed these limits, you'll be making money, so you'll be able to justify paying for the extra subscribers. 

Aweber gives you access to their email templates, and you can design an opt-in form on the site, and they will host it for you, so you don't have to figure out how to put it up on your own site. Just add a link to the form from your site, social media accounts, anywhere you can post a link.

Create landing pages from scratch or choose from one of their templates. They even host it for you.

You get access to a few really good reports that will help you get the most out of your email marketing. And the Aweber blog is filled with some great resources as well.

Signing up for a free account is great because you won't have a monthly fee to start building your list. Learn how to do everything and start sending emails before you have to pay anything. No strings attached. You can get your free Aweber account here...


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