
Make Your Online Ads Pop 

 February 23, 2021

By  Delano1216

Engaging Copy For Online Ads

When you take the time to create online ads, you want to do whatever is necessary so that you get the results you intended to get. Which is clicking a link or subscribing. Your goal is to make your online ads pop in a way that makes anyone who sees them is interested enough to act on them.

There are several ways you can create your ads, and there are a lot of articles and videos that will give you advice. Between that and by studying the ads that you come across, you can get a good idea of what makes for good online ads.

Online ads can take many forms. They could be ads that you add to your blog and web site. They can be email signature ads that have a link that you want people to go to. They can be pay per click ads or ads on social media sites.

If you’re creating your own online ads and links on your site, you can do it however you want to. You can use your site as the testing ground for all of your ads before you search for other sites where you can place them. 

Once you decide to use other sites for online ads, either paid advertising or using them in forum posts and social media sites, make sure to read the policy of each site to make sure that you play by their rules.

If you don't, you'll end up wasting time because you will have a hard time getting your ads approved. If you're using sites where you can include an ad for free, you could end up getting banned.

So learn the rules, and you will be rewarded with your ads being shown and you can start generating traffic.

Paid advertising can be expensive if you’re not careful. While it sounds good to get a lot of traffic in a hurry, be aware of your budget. Start slow, and keep your daily ad spend to a level that you can afford to lose. When you're starting an ad campaign, you won't know what ads are going to work without some testing and tweaking. Be Careful...

Here are four simple tips to perfecting your online ads:

Identify Your Goal

Before you get started, you need to decide what your goal is for this campaign. Each ad should have one call to action. One purpose, and one thing you want them to do. 

By having a goal in mind, you can use that to create your online ads.

Keep in mind that you only have a small amount of space, so every word you use has to be important to the end goal.

Create a Snappy Headline

Online ads are easily scanned over and missed. You need a headline that pops and makes them take notice and read the ad. You want to create curiosity, interest, and excitement.

Make sure your headline relates to what your ad is about. Getting their attention is the goal, but if they click on the link and find that the headline has nothing to do with the page they landed on, they are going to leave. 

You'll end up  paying for ads that get no results. Don't be deceptive, and don't think that once they get to the landing page that even though the headline was fake that they will stick around and buy something or subscribe. Moving on...

Image Sizes 

Some online ads will give you the option to include an image. You definitely want to do this if possible because a beautiful, relevant image can quickly capture the interest of site visitors.

Each site will have the size and format that they accept for their ads. You can find sites that will help you to crop and resize any images you want to use. Some of them are free to use. 

You can also use Gimp, which is a free, open source graphic software. There are no ads, and you don't have to provide an email address. You can get it at Gimp.org.

Keep Your Body Copy Simple

With most online ads, you only have enough space for a sentence or two. Just because the copy is short doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. You just have to get a little creative. 

What works for me is to write the ad the way I think it should look. I don't worry too much about the length. I just get it written. Then, I go back and start paring it down until I get it to the required link.

Your online ad should focus on solving a problem or offering something interesting. For example, if you sell webinar software, your copy might focus on how frustrating webinars can be if your visitors don’t have the technical knowledge they need. Then you’ll want to mention how simple webinars can be with your software. If users are curious, they’ll click through to your website to learn more.

The goal of online ads is to get the click, and get your visitors to the landing page so you can tell them more. 

The Landing Page

The landing page is where you make it happen. Whether it's a sale, or a new subscriber, the landing page should be everything your ad promised and more.

You spent the time and effort getting your online ads out there, and you landing page needs to deliver the results you want.

In fact, it is a good idea to create your landing page BEFORE you come up with the advertising. Once you have an awesome landing page, it will be a lot easier to come up with online ads that pop.

A landing page also makes it easier for you to track how your users interact with your site once they click on your ad. This can give you valuable insights into what your visitors want and need from your brand.


You never know whether or not your online ads are going to be effective until you test them. To get the best return on your investment, create several ads for each campaign.

That way, you can run several versions of your ad to see which one is working without having to create a new ad first.

The only way to get good at creating ads that pop and get results is to get started. If you don't want to pay for ads, start with your own site. Create the ads in the same format as the pay per click sites so you can get some practice. To your success...

Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! How is that even possible? Let Me Show You...


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